The national hotline
service hotline


Your locations : HOME > CONTACT

Group headquarters

Address: 23 Floor, Chamber of Commerce Building, Laodong North Road, Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province

Tel :86-576-89185675(Personnel Administration Department) 、86-576-84285220(Sales Department)

Fax :86-576-84273559(Personnel Administration Department) 、86-576-89185671(Sales Department)

E-mail Administration Department) 、 Department)

Address of each branch
"); return iw; } //创建一个Icon function createIcon(json){ var icon = new BMap.Icon("", new BMap.Size(json.w,json.h),{imageOffset: new BMap.Size(-json.l,-json.t),infoWindowOffset:new BMap.Size(,1),offset:new BMap.Size(json.x,json.h)}) return icon; } initMap();//创建和初始化地图